Behind the screen

I am extremely proud of 'The Eco Circle' initative taken to create this group by the students of RMI, HYD. Today it is fundamentally important as designers to have a conscience when creating a product and to be aware of the impact we can have on the environment with our design. The 'Eco Circle' will create; a learning zone for other students, faculty and the public interested in 'green issues'; for us all to make 'our' personal difference to the environment; and create a learning/research platform to guide the new designers of the future to have an awareness of the environment when developing their 'creation'. I sincerely wish 'The Eco Circle' lots of success and enjoyment for all involved with the group.

Donna Brown
Acting Program Director - Interior Design, Raffles Millennium International Hyderabad.
Senior Adviser, The Eco Circle.
"We only have one home" said by a very great man which has got us all thinking today.'The Eco Circle' is more than just a blog, It can be like a common news paper or a common article or a common thought or picture you thought was interesting. To me its a learning platform in the field of design. I seek for improvement and guidance from every person out there. Your support is essential. Lets all do our bit today, cause tomorrow is unknown. Time is now, I look forward in you sailing along with us on this green endeavor.

Pritish Nair 
Founder, The Eco Circle.
Global warming is not something that will happen in the distant future, it is right here, right now. It’s time for every one of us to start thinking on how to make this planet a better place to live in. So why don't we start saving our planet with our passion called Design and we 'The Eco Circle'. We are here to improve your thoughts and create new ideas with many inspiring tips. “Global Warming” and “Go Green” are frequent words used by many of us here; now let’s get our hands together to embark on this path of great living which we call 'The Eco Circle'. 

Nishita Puttagunta 
Co - Founder, The Eco Circle. 
Life is like a option, It's upon how you make the best under the constraints of what you have. To me, having anything available and turning it into a extraordinary green product is the way i see it in this field. From a piece of paper to plastic to even scrap metal. Its on how we transform and make "The Eco Circle" a place of learning in the field of Eco friendly design. I'm "Circle", Are you? 

Deepa Akula 
Creative Concept Adviser, The Eco Circle.

Today in the world of the 21st century, the booming economy and the Fashion industry is getting revolutionised to a new era. Taking the current environmental crisis into consideration its time we take a new leap, With fabrics and materials being Green certified. The Idea definitely has to be getting the Green element within this genre. Its time to take the existing environmental approach in the fashion industry to a whole new level. I am honored to be a part of this green movement and I'm certain that "The Eco Circle" will strive to greater heights. 

Sangay Choden Negi 
Green Fashion Adviser, The Eco Circle.

The Eco Circle is an organisation that will change the way people do their day to day activities, Raffles and beyond. We will have green initiatives and presentations that educate the students about global warming. I am a first year student in California State Polytechnic University, Pomona studying Electrical Engineering and feel very honored to be on board as the Technical Director and will do my best to push this organisation's limits in technology; not only will I push the limits in technology, I also help out in any other manners necessary.

Sowmitra Nalla 
Technical Director, The Eco Circle.