About us

Our species have lived on this fertile land as long as eternity, which we all call mother Earth today. But there might be a day when we might not have anything to live on and re consider our ways of living, yes I’m referring to the environmental aspect of life. They are plenty of issues to look upon, the climate change is already inexplicable and life on earth will slowly change towards the worst. As we know the efforts to counter global warming cannot succeed if it isn’t a group initiative. We can also help our society wisely through our different ways and ours being the world of design. We proudly present the “The Eco Circle” an initiative by the students and faculty at Raffles Millennium International Hyderabad.

What is Eco Circle? The Eco Circle is an awareness program which promotes the green way of life through the field of Design and Architecture. We at Raffles Millennium Hyderabad innovate and share ideas that promote to a safer and greener environment. To start off we are all aware about the whole world going green. Well we transmit the same idea but, in our very own genre. People within this Circle are a part of learning and understanding how design can go green and contribute towards this noble cause. We emphasize on a great path to living in the décor world and believe in Re – shaping your world.